
LCSD to host back-to-school community forum

LCSD to host back-to-school community forum:

Liberty Central School District will host a back-to-school community forum at 5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, outside of the Liberty HIgh School main entrance.

During the program, Superintendent Dr. Patrick Sullivan will give an overview of changes and updates for the 2024-25 school year. Topics will include the introduction of the ParentSquare school-to-family communication platform and re-introduction of the anonymous reporting system Anonymous Alerts, the expansion of HMH math curriculum to seventh grade, the introduction of algebra to all eighth graders and the addition of Syracuse University Project Advance college credit courses. There will also be updates on the capital project as well as the strategic plan. There will also be a time for questions and answers.

All Liberty Central School District families are encouraged to attend.