The Town of Liberty provides many services to the public. For a list of departments and the roles they play in our town government, please use the expandable menu below. Looking for the Office Directory? It is now located on this page. Scroll down to find the new Office Directory tab.
The Town of Liberty Assessor’s Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The office is located on the second floor of the Town Hall at 120 North Main Street in Liberty. You may obtain information pertaining to exemptions, your assessment, review the assessment roll and view tax maps.
The Assessor is responsible for fixing the value of real property for tax assessment purposes and for administering the assessment procedures in the town.
For further information regarding assessments and/or exemption forms and instructions, please visit the website of the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services.
The main purpose of the assessor's office is to provide a service to our customers, who are the taxpayers of the municipality. As your assessor I am dedicated to maintaining a fair and equitable assessment roll each year, which is a very important part of this service. I welcome anyone who may have a question to stop in the office or call and make an appointment to meet with me so I may have the opportunity to meet you and answer your questions.
Property Assessment Data is available through both the Assessor's office and the website of the Sullivan County Department of Real Property. Click on the Property Ownership & Assessment Data link and follow the prompts. Tax maps also available on that site.
You may be eligible for exemptions, such as STAR and Veteran (on your primary residence only). Please visit the ORPTS website or contact my office for more information.
If you are going to file for an assessment reduction, please mail or deliver the grievance form and supporting documentation to the Assessor’s office so that it arrives on or before Grievance day. Click this link to be directed to grievance form RP-524. If you mail the form, even if it is postmarked on or before Grievance Day, it is deemed to be late if it does not arrive by Grievance day. Ideally, the form should arrive at least five (5) business days before Grievance Day. Otherwise, the assessor can request an adjournment to have time to prepare a response to your complaint. Please note that a personal appearance before the Board of Assessment Review is not a requirement. All paperwork will be reviewed by the Board regardless of your choice not to appear.
If you need to change your address, please fill out the Change of Address Form and mail it to our office. You may contact our office at (845) 292-4843 to speak with the Assessor or Assessor Clerk.
Helpful Links
Town of Liberty - 2023 Tentative Tax Assessment Roll
Tax Lookup (Click link to access property and school tax bills.)
Important Dates in the Property Tax Cycle
March 1: Taxable Status Date (Deadline for filing exemption applications. Property is valued as of this date for the upcoming new assessment roll.)
May 1: The tentative assessment roll is filed.
Fourth Tuesday in May: Grievance Day (File papers early so Assessor can review)
June 1: Village of Liberty tax bills mailed.
July 1: The final assessment roll is filed.
September 1: School tax bills are mailed.
January 1: Town and County tax bills are mailed.
The Building Department, reviews and approves Building Permits for various types of construction, including but not limited to: houses, mobile homes, businesses, and signs/billboards.
Contact this office for all matters relating to: the New York State Building Code, Liberty Town Code, and Town of Liberty Zoning Regulations. This is your first stop for all matters that require Planning Board or Zoning Board review and approval.
Applications for Zoning Variances, Special Use Permits, Subdivisions, and Lot Improvements are all filed with this office, located on the 2nd floor of Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, 12754.
Learn more about tax abatements and exemptions.
For information regarding any of the above, or for any additional information, you may contact our office at (845) 292-8511.
For forms, zoning information, town codes, applications, permits and associated documentation visit the Documents & Forms page.
The Town of Liberty, Dog Control Officer/Peace Officer is Joanne Gerow. For all dog control and animal cruelty issues, you may contact Joanne by calling her cell phone: (845) 866-3366. The Dog Control Officer is on call 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
The Town of Liberty, Highway Department, Main Office and Town Barn is located at 2751 State Route 52, Liberty, New York 12754. The office is open Monday thru Friday, from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM. There is voice mail and answering service for emergencies or contact during non-office hours. Highway Superintendent phone number: (845) 292-4172.
The Town of Liberty, Parks and Recreation Department Office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday thru Friday, (Excluding Holidays.) The office is located in the lower level of the Town Senior Citizen Building, 119 North Main Street, Liberty, 12754, across the street from the main Town Hall.
This very active department offers a year round schedule of recreation and community service programs for citizens of all ages. In addition, they organize numerous and various types of special events throughout our township.
A full-time and professional staff is responsible for these programs, as well as several beautiful Town Parks and the Senior Citizen Center.
For information regarding any of the above, or for any additional information, you may contact the office at (845) 292-7690.
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Phone: (845) 292-5110
Fax: (845) 292-1310
Email the Town Clerk
The Town Clerk’s Office is frequently considered the center of the Town Government. It is not only the office which is responsible for the activities of the town government, but it is the central place in which documents and papers vital to the lives of townspeople are filed.
For copies of Board Minutes, Board Agendas, Miscellaneous Forms and Applications on file in the Clerk’s Office, visit the Documents & Forms page.
The following services are provided by the Town Clerk’s Office:
Marriage Licenses:
• You must obtain your marriage license at least 24 hours before your wedding ceremony.
• Your marriage license is good for a period of 60 days.
• Both parties must apply together, in person, for a marriage license.
• No blood test required (Law repealed 8/85).
• You must show 2 forms of identification: driver’s license plus certified birth certificate.
• If either party is divorced or if a marriage is annulled, certified copies must be presented as proof of such.
• The cost of a marriage license is $40.00 (effective 8/1/03) which is a New York State fee.
• Anyone applying for a marriage license who is 16 or 17 years of age, needs consent of both parent (form available in Town Clerk’s Office) unless one parent has legal custody. In the case of legal custody, that parent must bring in the legal decree proving such.
In order to obtain a certified copy of a marriage certificate:
• The certificate may only be obtained through the Town where the couple APPLIED for the marriage license.
Marriage certificates are $10.00 per copy
• Before receiving a certificate, a request form must be filled out and submitted to the Town Clerk’s Office and the requesting party must present proof of identity.
• Send completed form, along with proof of identity and relation to the individual, and a check made out to the Liberty Town Clerk in the amount of $10.00.
Dog Licenses:
• Dog licenses can be obtained by mail or in personProof of rabies and neutering or spaying certificate from you veterinarian must be presented (these records will be returned to you with the license).
• The fee is $15.50 for unspayed/unneutered or $7.50 if the dog is spayed or neutered (a $5 discount is offered for seniors 60 and older).
• Dog licenses must be renewed yearly.
• All dogs must be licensed after 4 months of age.
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
• Mandatory Hunter Education: A hunter education course is required for persons who cannot provide proof that they have ever possessed a hunting license. The general course is a minimum of 10 hours in length. DEC honors hunter education certificates and sporting licenses from most all other states and countries.
• Minors under the age of 12 may not obtain a hunting license or hunt wildlife. Back tags must be visibly displayed on the middle of your back while hunting.
Birth Certificates:
• The certificate may only be obtained from the city, town, or village where the birth took place.
• The requesting individual must be the individual or the parents to the named individual, an attorney for the individual or estate, or possess power of attorney and show proof of such.
Birth certificates are $10.00 per copy
• Before receiving a certificate, a request for must be filled out at the Town Clerk’s office and the requesting party must present proof of identity.
• Send completed form, along with proof of identity and relation to the individual, and a check made out to the Liberty Town Clerk in the amount of $10.00.
Death Certificates:
• The certificate may be obtained through the city, town or village in which the death occurred.
• The requesting party must be a first degree relative to the named individual, an attorney for the individual or the executor of the estate and show proof of such.
Death certificates are $10.00 per copy
• Before receiving a death certificate a request form must be filled out at the Town Clerk's Office and the requesting party must present proof of identity.
Handicap Parking Permits:
• A physician must fill out a application stating the medical disability or limitation.
• The Town Clerk will then issue a temporary or permanent handicap sticker to the applicant for use in transportation.
Other services provided by the Town Clerk’s Office are:
• Freedom of Information Requests
• Minutes
• Licensing
• Permits
• Auditing Town Bills
• Collect Water & Sewer Bills
• Legal Notices
• Collector of Taxes
Please feel free to contact the Town Clerk’s office and we will be more than happy to assist you.
Town Court, Vehicle and Traffic Plea Form
Town Court is open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday thru Friday, (excluding Holidays.) The office is located on the 2nd floor of the Town Hall, 120 North Main Street, Liberty, 12754. For information regarding any and all Court matters, you must contact the Court office at (845) 292-6980.
Fax: (845) 292-2562
The Justices are: the Honorable Ronald S. Stabak and the
Honorable Troy J. Johnstone
Please Note: You cannot conduct business with the Justice Court via the Internet or E-mail.
Town Court Hours
8:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday thru Friday
Vehicle and Traffic
9:00AM, 2nd and 4th Monday
Vehicle and Traffic
9:00AM, 2nd and 4th Wednesday
Criminal Matters
10:00AM, Tuesday and 2:00PM, Wednesday
Civil Matters
9:00AM, Tuesday and 1:00PM, Wednesday
The Town of Liberty, Water and Waste-Water Department office is located at the Swan Lake Treatment Plant, 4722 Rt. 55, Swan Lake and is open from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday thru Friday, (Excluding Holidays.) In addition, personnel are on call thru messaging, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.
There are four (4) Sewer Districts and seven (7) Water Districts in the Town of Liberty. The water districts include: Loomis, Ferndale, Stevensville, White Sulphur Springs, Indian Lake, Cold Spring Road, and Route 55. Many of the water districts are inter-connected.
Two, state-of-the art, Waste-Water/Sewer Plants are operated and maintained in the hamlets of Loomis and Swan Lake.
For any questions about these districts, their boundaries, rate and fee schedules, your water and/or sewer bill, or maintenance issues please call Joan Redington, Account Clerk at (845) 292-5620.
Annual Water Quality Reports (Posted May 24, 2024)
We are once again proud to present to you our Annual Water Quality Report.
Telephone and E-mail Directory: Area Code (845)
T: 292-4843
F: 292-2562
Code Enforcement & Building
T: 292-8511
F: 292-2562
T: 292-6980
F: 292-2562
Dog Control Officer
T: 866-3366
F: 292-1310
T: 292-5772
F: 292-1310
Health Officer
T: 292-6630
Highway Department
T: 292-4172
F: 292-0091
Historian – Kort Wheeler
T: 292-5111
F: 292-1310
Information Systems
T: 292-5611
F: 292-1310
Parks & Recreation
T: 292-7690
F: 292-3588
Registrar of Vital Statistics
T: 292-5110
F: 292-1310
Supervisor - Frank DeMayo
T: 292-5111
F: 292-1310
Confidential Secretary to Supervisor
T: 292-5111
F: 292-1310
Tax Collector
T: 292-5744
F: 292-1310
Town Clerk
T: 292-5110
F: 292-1310
Water & Sewer Department
T: 292-5620
F: 292-3041
Appointed Officials
Kenneth Klein - Town Attorney
Jacob Billig - Assistant Town Attorney
David Schwalb - Health Officer
William Cogswell - Town Historian
Joanne Gerow - Dog Control Officer
Department Heads
Cheryl Gerow – Director of Finance
Earl Bertsch – Senior Accountant
Sunsoree Young – Acting Assessor
Damon Knack – Water/Sewer Foreman
James Guara – Parks & Recreation Director
Mitch Juron - Working Foreman
Al Fusco – Code Enforcement Officer
Planning Board
Lynn Dowe - Chairperson
John Van Etten
Judy Siegel
Anthony Dworetsky
Branden Reeves
Brad Cobert - Alternate
Menachem Steinberg - Alternate
Tammy Wilson – Board Secretary
Zoning Board
Robert Werlau – Chairperson
Kyle Farrand
Kytt McManus
Gene Burns
Robert Eaton
Manny Steinberg – Alternate
Eugene Thalman - Alternate
Tammy Wilson – Board Secretary
Grievance Review Board
Allen Werlau – Chairperson
Christine Noecker
Diane Silver
Peter Dworetsky
Abraham Lax
Parks & Recreation Board
Linda DeWitt – Chairperson
Joanne McPhillips
John Ballard
Jena Schwartz
Paige Russell
Staff by Department
Supervisor's Office
Frank DeMayo – Supervisor
Nick Rusin - Confidential Secretary
Town Clerk's Office
Laurie Dutcher - Town Clerk
Sara Sprague - Deputy Town Clerk
Vacant - Deputy Town Clerk P/T
Finance Office
Cheryl Gerow - Finance Director
Town Court
Honorable Ronald S. Stabak
Honorable Troy J. Johnstone
Denise Curry – Court Clerk/Manager
Lillian Rubio – Deputy Court Clerk
Dawn Bilancione – Court Clerk
Building Department
Tammy Wilson - Account Clerk
Brittany Pflanz - Clerk
Assessor's Office
Sunsoree Young – Assessor
Brad Cobert – Data Collector
Kevin Mullen - Data Collector
Eileen Jackson - Clerk
Highway Department
Matt Dewitt – Highway Superintendent
Kevin Austin – Working Supervisor
Dana Austin – Senior Account Clerk
Michael Fritz – Head Auto Mechanic
Larry Austin – P/T Laborer
Eric Wolcott – Foreman
Robert C. Wilson, Jr. – H.M.E.O.
Woodrow Wilson – H.M.E.O.
Steven Schroeder – H.M.E.O.
James DeAveiro – H.M.E.O.
Nicholas Karkos – H.M.E.O.
Spencer Carlson – H.M.E.O.
Andrew Bivins – H.M.E.O.
Michael O'Brien - H.M.E.O.
Robert M. Wilson - H.M.E.O.
Will DePaolo – Laborer
Water & Sewer Department
Damon Knack – Water/Sewer Foreman
Joan Redington – Senior Account Clerk
Wayne Banks – Laborer II
Evan Decker – Laborer II
Jeremy Knack - Laborer II
Dylan Peter - Laborer II
Parks & Recreation Department
Kathy Dworetsky – Typist
James Guara – Parks & Recreation Director
Mitch Juron - Working Foreman